Answered By: Samantha Martin
Last Updated: Feb 21, 2023     Views: 80

The best place to start your search for articles is on the library's home page. Discovery is the library's search engine that searches all of the library's resources. Think of it as a sophisticated Google geared specifically to provide you with credible, peer-reviewed sources. Here is the link to get you there right away,

IMPORTANT TIPS: Type your search terms in the Discovery box and click search. Remember to ONLY type in KEY TERMS for your topic. For example, if your research question is "What are the largest cities in Mexico," only type  "large cities Mexico".

Once you get your list of results, you might find a huge, unmanageable list! That's easy to fix! Use the filters on the left side of the page to refine and focus the results list to be more precise.

As you find results that will work for you, click the folder icon in the results list.  After you have a few items saved, scroll back to the top and click on the folder in the upper right corner. Then you'll have the option to e-mail your saved items to yourself, which will make your life easier when you need to get back to them.

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