Answered By: Samantha Martin
Last Updated: Aug 26, 2021     Views: 23

The easiest way to find out whether or not our library has a film or television series is by searching Discovery from our library home page and limiting your results to Source Type: Videos.

Once you've located the DVD, make note of the Call Number.

Our DVD Collection is split into three categories: Documentaries, Foreign Films, & Entertainment. You will be able to tell which one your DVD falls into by looking at the call number.     

Documentaries have a Library of Congress Call number. For help reading & understanding LC Call numbers click here. These DVD's are organized by topic.

Foreign Films have a call number that begins with the letters FOR, followed by a single letter.  All Foreign Films are shelved alphabetically by title. 

Entertainment DVD's have a call number that begins with the letters ENT. All Entertainment DVDs are shelved alphabetically by title. 

The video section is near the User Services desk, so if you're having trouble figuring out where your DVD is located, just ask!